Notify Cyber


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Notify Cyber was built by Dylan Eck and Mehmet Yilmaz. It was designed to provide comprehensive and up-to-date cybersecurity news in a single, easily accessible location. It aggregates news articles from multiple prominent cybersecurity sources, making it effortless for users to stay informed about new vulnerabilities that may affect them. On the homepage, short summaries of articles from the past seven days offer a quick overview of the latest cybersecurity updates. For more details about why the site was built, check out the site’s blog post(s).


Notify Cyber was launched on May 2023. Sense then, the site has gotten over 14,000 unique visitors, over 38,000 page views, and over 160 signups to the upcoming email service waitlist. All these metrics were meatures though Vercel Web Analytics. Most of this engagement was achieved though this one Reddit Post.


The site is up and running right now! You can check it out HERE but here is a gif of the site in actions:


Future Plans

Looking to the future, Notify Cyber plan to introduce an emailing service for new vulnerabilities affecting software and hardware that you care about. This service will allow users to specify their interests, ensuring they receive emails only about relevant vulnerabilities. You can join the waitlist for this service by going HERE.